Parts & Maintenance for
Cleaning Equipment



To keep South Africa’s large Hako fleet running with maximum cleaning efficiency, day in and day out,
we offer high availability of original Hako parts.

Manufactured in Germany, Hako’s long-life components also ensure a lower cost of ownership and reduced running costs.

Hako parts are supplied from our national parts centre in Gauteng and through regional parts centres around the country, with a 24-hour delivery service where parts are not available locally.

To provide a complete service to customers, we also supply a wide range of quality consumables and application-specific detergents for the efficient removal of different kinds of dirt.

industrial cleaning parts services


When you acquire a Hako machine, exceptional technical support is part of the deal.

We provide technical support 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, with an average response time of 4 hours countrywide. Our 24/7 call centre means you can speak to us in the middle of the night and know there will be a technician on standby for emergencies.

Our national network of trained technicians are supported by product and technical specialists to ensure optimal performance of your Hako machine over its lifetime.

Our support solutions are tailored to customer needs and include various maintenance contracts to ensure that machines are always reliably maintained, maximising machine availability and reducing life cycle costs.

Contact us today for service and
repair solutions
that meet your needs.
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