Corporate Social Investment


At BHBW, we are committed to being a force for good in the communities in which we operate and our employees live and work in. Our corporate social investment (CSI) policy is rooted in our core value of sustainability.

We invest in projects that empower vulnerable and marginalised communities. Focus areas include education and skills development to uplift and promote access to the economy; job creation focusing on the youth, women and people with disabilities; health and welfare programmes; and the protection of the environment.

We encourage involvement from our employees as we seek to assist those in need through projects that will provide tangible, lasting benefits.

Paying it forward on Mandela Day

BHBW annually partners with Rise Against Hunger to pack meals for young children. In 2023, staff around the country volunteered 67 minutes of their time to pack more than 1 500 boxes of meals. Each meal feeds 20 children!

Paying it forward on Mandela Day bhbw

BHBW donates computers to Sparrow

In line with our policy to help empower vulnerable communities through projects such as education and skills development, we have donated much needed computers to Sparrow FET College in Sophiatown, Johannesburg.

The college provides accredited training to unskilled and unemployed young people, including people with disabilities, from disadvantaged communities. It is a place of hope, where young people are given the opportunity to build the right skills to find meaningful employment.

The equipment has been installed in computer labs at the college. As Sparrow said in response: “When computers are donated to us, the money that we would have spent can be redirected into our primary objective of educating the children and youth of South Africa.”

Sparrow FET College
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